VLAN – configuring

Task is:

  • The network consists of 8 PC and two switches
  • split one physical network in two VLAN (VLAN 2 and VLAN 3)
  • ports 1-10 assign to VLAN 2 on both switches
  • ports 11-20 assign to VLAN 3 on both switches
  • enable communication between computers in same VLAN on different switches


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Enable secret

The Enable secret is used to allow security when an administrator is going from user mode to privileged mode, same as Enable password. It is used to protect privileged mode on equipment which is not physically secured. The Enable secret is an newer, encrypted command that should be in use instead of Enable password (password it is stored in startup-config file in encrypted form).

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Enable password

The Enable password is used to allow security when an administrator is going from user mode to privileged mode. It is used to protect privileged mode on equipment which is not physically secured. The Enable password is an old, non-encrypted command that should not be anymore in use (password it is stored in startup-config file non-encrypted). Continue reading “Enable password”