Cisco Router – Reset/Recover Password

Sometimes there is a need to reset unknown password on Cisco router, without loosing configuration. It can be done by skipping config file on startup. It can be done by changing registry value from 0x2102 to 0x2142. 

  1. Connect Switch to computer using console cable plugged on console cable
  2. Prepare software as Putty for communication to switch
  3. Switch off and then switch on button.
  4. When characters appear on the screen, press ctrl + pause/break on the keyboard. Use USB keyboard if laptop is in use
  5. When router enter to rommon mode, type next
    rommon 1 > confreg
  6. On questions to change the configuration answer with Yes
  7. On question to ignore system config info anwer with Yes
  8. On other questions answer with No
  9. When question to change configuratin apeears again, answer with No. You will be sent back to rommon prompt
  10. Enter command reset, router will be restarted.
  11. After router restart and load IOS without settings,
    Would you like to enter the inital configuration dialog? no
    Router > enable
    Router#copy start run
    Destination filename [runnung-config]?


    Router#config terminal
    Router(config)#enable secret somepassword
  12. Change register back to 0x2102 to enable to load startup config after reboot
    Router(config)#config-register 0x2102
  13. Save new configuration
  14. Reboot