Read and Write Asset ID Information

In some cases occur the need to update your Asset ID in BIOS on Lenovo ThinkPad. There is how to do in Lenovo:

Download Windows Utility To Read and Write Asset ID Information for Window 10 (64-bit), 8.1 (64-bit), 8 (64-bit), 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) – ThinkPad on address

Unpack add. It will be unpacked on the default path C:\DRIVERS\WINAIA.

Open Windows PowerShell as admin.

Go to directory C:\DRIVERS\WINAIA. Run the tool with appropriate switches.

WinAIAPackage is executed as:
WinAIA.exe [options] <command>
WinAIA64.exe [options] <command>

Where valid options are:
-output-file <filename>

And where <command> is one of the following:
-get [group[ group[ …]]]
-set-from-file <filename>
-set group.field=value [group.field=value […]]

To set Asset Number: C:\DRIVERS\WINAIA\winAIA.exe -set “USERASSETDATA.ASSET_NUMBER=xxxxx”